All treatments include a consultation, and a physiotherapeutic examination and assesment. Depending on needs and wants, manual treatment, exercises, laser and biodynamic craniosacral therapi will be included
I practice physiotherapy privately outisde of the public sector ("sygesikring"), meaning the public sector won't contribute financially to any treatment. That being the case, a reference is not needed from your doctor. However, "Sygeforsikring Danmark" contributes to your treatment(s) if you are a member. Also, if you have a health insurance, it may cover the expenses of your treatment(s) partly or entirely.
Transportation to the clinic
Metro Islands Brygge St. (450 meters)
Bus bus 68, Njalsgade (125 meters)
bus 77, Islands Brygge St. (450 meters)
Parking blue parking zone
handicap parking (20 meters)
SYGEFORSIKRING DANMARK subsidizes physiotherapy